Cricoid carilage 양쪽에 fracture가 있고(yellow arrows), calcification이 없는 posterior portion에도 fracture가 의심된다 (red arrow). 아래 column에서 trachea와 cricoid cartilage 간격이 벌어져 있는데, precontrast 영상에서 고음영을 보이고 있어 hematoma가 있음을 알 수 있다 (arrowheads).
Less common than thyroid cartilage fracture
Most cricoid cartilage fractures are associated with fractures of other cartilages: Isolated CCF being very rare
May be overlooked at CT, due to poor ossification (soft tissue window) -> MRI
Often bilateral, may cause sudden airway obstruction
Mucosal tears with cartilage exposure (50%)
Partial or complete laryngotracheal separation (50%)
Tearing and stretching of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (60% of complete tracheal transection)
Tx: conservative Tx ~ surgery